When you improvise a melody over a chord progression, certain notes will seem to sound better than others. In fact, some notes that should work will sometimes sound outright wrong.
So what gives?
When you improvise a melody over a chord progression, certain notes will seem to sound better than others. In fact, some notes that should work will sometimes sound outright wrong.
So what gives?
How to Solo on Guitar. One of the biggest questions I get from guitar students is, “How do I get my own style?” Here are 5 tips for getting started on creating your own unique guitar style.
Continue readingToday we look at additional ways to practice the Hirajoshi scale, a chord vamp that you can use to practice soloing with this scale, and we will look at creating your own guitar solo with this scale.
Continue readingIn today’s lesson, we will look at a cool Japanese minor pentatonic scale you can add to your guitar soloing toolkit.
Continue readingWow, this is really cool. The Metal Den has come across an isolated guitar track of Crazy Train from Ozzy Osbourne’s album the Blizzard of Ozz featuring the late great Randy Rhoads. If you love to play this song or … Continue reading