When you are short on time you need to get the most you can out of every guitar practice session, or it will take way too long to learn guitar. One of the keys to this is understanding how we forget things.
Continue readingWhen you are short on time you need to get the most you can out of every guitar practice session, or it will take way too long to learn guitar. One of the keys to this is understanding how we forget things.
Continue readingToday we will look at 5 things you probably don’t know about guitar scales that you should.
Continue readingThis is a great question that I get asked from time to time. In this post we will look at 6 great ways to create guitar scales. But before we get into the 6 techniques, we need to cover a … Continue reading
So What is the Best Guitar Scale Fingering System? It all depends on whom you ask. Most guitar players tend to favour the first guitar scale fingering system they learned. After all, it’s the way they have always played guitar … Continue reading
Are you tired of being confused by all of the different fingerings for guitar scales? Discover the truth behind all of these scales fingerings…
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