Do you want to learn to play guitar faster? Here are five things every beginner guitar player must know…
Continue readingDo you want to learn to play guitar faster? Here are five things every beginner guitar player must know…
Continue readingWith so many different types of sheet music and tab available, it’s all too common for beginning guitar players to buy the wrong sheet music/tab. With the wrong type of sheet music, no matter what you do, at best you will only sound a bit like the song. Here’s how to buy guitar tab sheet music so you can get the results you want…
Continue readingIf you are like most guitar players, your biggest challenge is finding enough time to play guitar. Everyone is starved for time. There just never seems to be enough time in the day to get everything done – even before you grab your guitar!
What if there was a way to improve your guitar playing while you were away from the guitar?
Continue readingHere you will learn seven tips to keep your mind focused as you play guitar scales so you can get the results you desire.
Continue readingThe results you get every time you play guitar will ultimately determine your skill level on the guitar and how fast you will move to the next level.
This means to become the monster guitar player you want to be, you must get maximum results every time you play guitar.
What is the best way to do this?
Continue readingHas this ever happened to you? You sit down to play guitar for a couple of hours only to notice that you have not really accomplished anything. The next day you practice for the same amount of time and boom–you feel like your guitar playing has improved quite a bit. What happened? Why is it that one day you can make great gains in your playing and other days, it seems like you just wasted your time?
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