"How to Play Hawaiian Steel Guitar
the Easy Way"
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Extremely Rare Method Book!!!
Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or
advanced guitarist, the Peterson System will show
you a quick and easy way to play authentic
Hawaiian Lap-Steel Guitar.
By Don J. MacLean
Dear Fellow Guitarist;
I could hardly contain myself...
Finally, after 14 months of searching I finally had, in my hot little hands, the lost classic
of Hawaiian guitar instruction.
The title of this course certainly won't roll off your tongue: "The Peterson System of
Playing Guitar With Steel in the Hawaiian Manner: Designed for Self Study".
However, I assure you that the system itself is easy to read and apply.
It's really easy to follow
Reading music is not required
It's designed for self-study
Here's How it Works...
The first half of the course provides you with all of the fundamentals of playing
Hawaiian Steel Guitar (Hawaiian Lap-Steel).
And here's one of the great things: you don't have to read music to use the
course. That's right, this course uses standard notation as well as tab
ebayer smileydott2u
United States
Thank you for the Hawaiian steel guitar book
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All good, Helpful Seller, Thanks Again.
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The basics of music notation
How to hold the guitar to play authentic Hawaiian Steel Guitar
How to tune the Hawaiian guitar
How to position both hands
And of course, how to hold the steel, or slide
Professor J. Kalani Peterson the
Great Hawaiian Guitar Virtuoso
Just before you get into playing the first example you'll find a primer on how to read tab.
Now that you have learned all the basics you'll start to play through the musical examples.
You'll learn how to play tremolo, slurs and learn how to play barre chords with the steel/slide.
After you play these exercises you get into the real fun stuff: songs.
The last section of the course contains complete songs.
All of the songs are in standard notation and tab.
Authentic Hawaiian Guitar Tabs!
The hawaiian guitar solos you'll learn in this course are:
Annie Laurie
Old Folks at Home
Home Sweet Home
Aloha Oe
The Peterson System of Playing
Guitar With Steel in the Hawaiian
Manner: Designed for Self Study
$29.99 $19.97 (you save 33%)
Hawaiian Waltz
Fair Hawaii
Mocking Bird
Believe Me if All Those Endearing Young Charms
Spanish Fandango
Just think of all the fun you'll have playing authentic Hawaiian guitar for
yourself, your friends and family.
I've tried to maintain as much of the authentic feel and look of the book as possible.
When you print off your own copy of this rare book, or view it on screen, you'll see some wrinkles in its aged pages-the book is
from 1916 after all. I have gone in and touched up some of the pages to minimize the bleed-through (show-through) and cleaned
up the notation.
When you grab your copy of this course, you'll get your personal download link sent to your inbox immediately after your payment.
All you have to do is click on the link to download your ebook and then view the course on your computer or print off your own
hard copy.
The ebook is formatted to print on 8.5 X 11 paper.
So you can try to hunt down a copy of this super-rare Hawaiian Guitar Course for yourself and pay an arm and a leg for it, or you
can grab your download version of the book here. Remember, since the book is in download form, you won't have to wait for the
book to be delivered. You'll get your copy immediately after your payment.
The regular price for this ebook is $29.97, but if you act now you can take advantage of a special price and get your copy for
just $19.97. So act now! I haven't decided how long I'll keep it at this price.
Regular Price $29.97
Special Price $19.97
Simply click here to start playing Hawaiian Steel Guitar right now risk-free.
Get your copy of this hard-to-find classic today, and try it out risk-free for 90 days. If
you're not delighted with the results you get, or if you decide that this book is not right for
you, just let me know within 90 days and I'll give you a no-hassle refund.
Start playing Hawaiian Steel Guitar today 100% RISK-FREE.
Act Now to Get Your Limited-Time FREE Bonus
Very Happy
Very Happy, good communications.
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Picture perfect digital delivery, fast as well.
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United States
very good seller regards malc
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United Kingdom
Hawaiian Guitar Fretboard Learning Maps
Save hours of practice time with these handy reference charts.
They'll show you how to quickly learn the sharps, flats and natural notes
on every fret of the Hawaiian guitar!
A $9.97 Value, Yours FREE!
Great news!
Since there are no printing costs for ebooks, you can get the ebook for much less than it would cost if it was a hard-copy manual-
and you get it instantly (no waiting for snail mail).
Your investment in this proven Hawaiian Guitar System is now only $19.97. You get the The Peterson System of Playing Guitar
With Steel in the Hawaiian Manner: Designed for Self Study plus the special bonus Hawaiian Guitar Fretboard Learning
Maps-for just 19.97.
Purchase online by Secure Server
It doesn't matter if it's 3:30 in the morning!
Don J. MacLean
Don J. MacLean is one of the world's leading authorities on accelerated learning systems for guitar---with students using his
P.S. What are you waiting for? Why try to learn Hawaiian guitar on your own, when you can learn from one of the great
Hawaiian Guitar Masters? Simply click here now to claim your copy of the Peterson System of Playing the Guitar with Steel in
the Hawaiian Manner today 100% risk-free.

The files are in PDF format, so you can view it on your computer screen, or print
off a hard copy for yourself. You can also read them on a smart phone like the
iPhone. The PDF files can also be read on tablets like the iPad.
Once your payment is received, your download link will be sent to the email
address you provided during payment.
Works on PCs or Macs.
You will need two pieces of software on your computer to open the ebook and
bonuses. You'll need an extraction program such as WinZip to extract the
download file. Most computers come with this program pre-installed. If you don't
You'll also need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this e-book. You can
If you should experience any difficulties with the download just send an email to:
© Copyright 2012 Don J. MacLean. All Rights Reserved.