Don J. MacLean
Don J. MacLean is one of the world's leading authorities on accelerated learning systems for guitar---with students using his
P.S. Don't you owe it to yourself to discover how quick and easy it can be to learn guitar scales? You can get amazing results
from every practice session. Grab your copy of Guitar Essentials: Scale Master Expanded Edition now!

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"How to Learn, Apply and Absolutely
Understand Guitar Scales Super-Fast"
Get your copy of the Guitar Essentials: Scale Master Expanded Edition today, and try it out risk-free
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What are you waiting for? If you want to totally understand guitar scales and learn solos faster, grab your copy of Guitar
Essentials: Scale Master Expanded Edition now.
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Guitar Essentials: Scale Master
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Guitar Essentials: Scale Master Expanded
Think about this for a minute...
Every guitar riff or lick you play is simply one scale, or a combination of scales.
Every guitar solo you play consists of scales.
Every chord you play is built from scales.
Scales are the foundation of music.
Chords are built from scales.
Melodies are built from scales.
Guitar solos and riffs are built from scales.
When you master the crucial guitar scales you’ll:
Learn songs by just watching other guitarists
Learn songs by ear. You’ll recognize the sound of
each scale and know when it’s used in a song.
Create killer guitar solos of your own
Learn your favourite guitar solos fast!
Eyes Wide Open
Let's look a little closer at the last point shown above: "learn your favourite guitar solos fast". Here is a real eye-opening exercise
that you can do when you get your hands on Guitar Essentials: Scale Master Expanded Edition.
Grab a guitar magazine that has a guitar solo you want to learn. Most guitar magazines have performance notes that mention the
scales used in the guitar solos. Before you play the first note of the guitar solo, play the appropriate scale fingerings from Guitar
Essentials: Scale Master Expanded Edition.
No More Confusion
Now you’re ready to start on the guitar solo. As you play through the guitar solo you’ll notice something very cool…
The very same scale fingerings that are found in Guitar Essentials: Scale Master Expanded Edition are used in the solo. If identical
fingerings aren’t used, you’ll find that slight variations are.
This means the guitar solo won’t be a confusing mass of notes anymore. Since you know the scale fingerings used in the guitar
solo, you already know all of the required notes. You just need to learn the order that the notes occur. Can you see how
powerful this is?
Cut the Time it Takes You to Learn Guitar Solos at Least in Half
When all you have to do is learn the sequence of the notes in the guitar solo, you’ve just cut your learning time at least in half. All
that’s left is the performance aspects (technique) of the guitar solo. Guitar Essentials: Scale Master also helps you with this aspect
of your playing. You'll learn how to effectively practice scales and improve your technique.
Get Your Pilot’s License
When you watch your favourite guitarists fly all over the fretboard, you’re witnessing the power of scales. All they’re doing is
playing scales and connecting one scale fingering to another as they travel the fretboard. It’s actually not that hard to do. You
just need some basic technique and an understanding of how one scale fingering links to another.
At Last! A Quick and Simple Way to Learn and Understand Scales
Guitar Essentials: Scale Master Expanded Edition shows you step-by-step how to quickly learn the scales you need to know.
You’ll learn:
The most important guitar scales and their fingerings.
How to quickly and easily take scale fingerings and apply them to
any key.
The secrets of how to really learn scales.
How to practice scales for maximum results.
The basic theory behind scales.
Another great book! Gives tips and tricks to make you a better
guitar player! A+++
Tom Flitcraft. NJ, USA
Great lessons, thanks
eBayer docunc77
SC, United States
Get Results
Nothing is left to chance. In Guitar Essentials: Scale Master Expanded Edition you’ll discover the exact order that you should learn
the scales. In other words, you’ll learn which scale to learn first, second, and third, etc.
Guitar Essentials: Scale Master Expanded Edition works from the ground up. You’ll start with:
A quick overview of pick technique and fret-hand position.
How to read tab, neck diagrams and grids.
The essentials of proper fret-hand positioning to play scales easily.
How to read scale diagrams.
How to effectively mute strings.
READING MUSIC IS NOT REQUIRED. Everything is shown in tab and in big easy-to-read fretboard
Most scale books are hard to read visually, but that’s not a problem with Guitar Essentials: Scale Master Expanded Edition---
there’s no straining to see the notes. Each scale diagram is 1 3/4 X 1 3/8 inches.
The Secrets of Guitar Scale Power-Learning
In chapter 2 you’ll discover 9 powerful secrets to learn any scale super-fast.
The Missing Link
In Guitar Essentials: Scale Master Expanded Edition you won’t find the same scale fingerings shown on multiple pages in every
single key. What you get is one set of “master fingerings” for each scale type. You then learn how to move these fingerings to
any key.
You’ll learn how scale forms link together.
A Quick and Easy Way to Shorten Your Learning Curve
Moveable scale forms are incredibly powerful and will save you massive amounts of time. Chapter 4 covers everything you need to
know about moveable scale fingerings. You’ll find lots of examples so you can immediately apply moveable scales.
Here are the moveable scale fingerings you’ll learn:
How to Practice Scales
Just practicing scales forwards and backwards can get pretty boring. In Guitar Essentials: Scale Master Expanded Edition you’ll
learn 6 potent ways to practice scales. Play these patterns and you’ll almost instantly recognize their sound. In fact, you’ll
probably be able to recognize quite a few guitar solos that use them!
How Scales are Built
The final chapter of Guitar Essentials: Scale Master Expanded Edition gives you a crash course on scale theory. You’ll learn how
the most common scales are built. Simple formulas are shown so you can quickly build the most common scales.
Guitar Essentials: Scale Master Expanded Edition is 8.5 X 11 and contains 75 jam-packed pages-just what you absolutely need to
know. You’ll find clearly explained, step-by-step instructions so you can master scales now.
All scales are shown in BIG EASY-TO-READ DIAGRAMS.
Guitar Essentials: Scale Master Expanded Edition takes all the guesswork out of guitar scales.
Here you’ll find the proven approach that shows you exactly how to learn and master the most important scales super-
So why not master guitar scales now?
© Copyright 2012 Don J. MacLean. All Rights Reserved.