Don J. MacLean
Don J. MacLean is one of the world's leading authorities on accelerated learning systems for guitar---with students using his
P.S. Remember in the time it takes you to learn one song, you could be learning two, three, four, or more!
What are you waiting for? Simply click on the Add to Cart button and give the 21 Secrets to Learn any Guitar Song Super-Fast a
try today 100% risk-free.
"How to Learn 2, 3, or More
Guitar Songs...In the Time it
Usually Takes You to Learn 1"
Get your copy of 21 Secrets to Learn any Guitar Song Super-Fast today and try it out for 90 days.
If you're not learning 2, 3 or more songs in the time it normally takes you to learn 1, or if you decide
for whatever reason that this course is not right for you, just let me know within 90 days and I'll give
you a no-hassle refund.
Don’t waste any more of your practice time learning songs the long and hard way. Get your copy of the 21 Secrets to
Learn any Guitar Song Super-Fast and see for yourself how much faster you can learn songs. 100% RISK-FREE
Simply click on the Add to Cart button to get your download edition of 21 Secrets to Learn any Guitar Song Super-Fast.
Learning songs has never been easier!
Perfect for Songs of Every Level
The 21 Secrets to Learn any Guitar Song Super-Fast will work with the simplest of songs, intermediate level songs or even the most
advanced songs.
Here's What Guitarists are Saying:
The regular price of 21 Secrets to Learn any Guitar Song Super-Fast is $47, but if you act now you can take advantage of this
special price and get your copy for just $25.99. So act now!
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Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or
advanced guitarist, I can show you a PROVEN
system to learn more songs in less time
21 Secrets to Learn Any Guitar
Song Super-Fast
$47.00 $25.99 (you save 45%)
Dear Fellow Guitarist;
Imagine learning 2, 3, or more guitar songs in the time it normally takes you to
learn one.
Just think of how many more songs you’ll be able to learn in a day, week, month,
or year.
Think of how much fun you'll have.
Picture your their jaws drop...and their eyes pop you play.
Think of how proud you'll be with yourself!
I'm sure you’ll agree that the best thing about the guitar is playing songs. Nothing
beats the goose-bumps you get when you play your favorite songs note-for-note.
You’ve probably spent lots of time learning new songs and practicing your
favorites. In fact this is probably a huge chunk of your practice time.
I have a question for you: "Since you spend most of your practice time learning
and playing songs, wouldn't it be a great idea to learn the absolute best and most
effective ways to learn songs?"
I'm sure you agree it makes total sense.
Why spend a week learning a song when you can learn it in a few days?
Why spend 2 days learning a song when you can learn it in 1 day?
Why spend 4 hours learning a song when you can learn it in 2?
You Don't Have to Learn Songs the Long and Hard
Most guitarists have no real system to learn songs. They think that the best way
to learn a song is to just keep playing it over and over until it is memorized. Yes
this will work, but unfortunately learning songs like this takes a very long time.
The World’s Best Musicians Know These Secret Techniques and Now You Can
Normally you would have to study privately with the top musicians to learn these techniques, but not anymore.
The 21 Secrets to Learn any Guitar Song Super-Fast is the first course on how to effectively learn more songs in less
Who Am I and Why Should You Listen to Me?
I have taught music for 25 years, earned my degree in music, authored more than 60 books, played with too many bands to
remember, and taught numerous master classes and workshops.
I have always been fascinated by how we learn music, so I also completed a degree in psychology and did some graduate studies in
neuroscience as well. With all of this intensive studying and practicing, I have discovered some little known secrets that will
save you massive amounts of time and give you results you never thought possible.
In other words, I've spent most of my life performing music, studying music and learning the best ways to teach it. I've got students
in more than 50 countries worldwide that are using my courses to advance their playing.
For All Styles of Music
The techniques you’ll discover in the 21 Secrets to Learn any Guitar Song Super-Fast can be used to learn music of any style.
Whether you play rock, blues, folk, country, jazz, classical, etc., you’ll be able to use these techniques to learn any song you
It's perfect for:
Love this book! Not even a week and I've
learned so much!!
eBayer lummerding123
BC, Canada
eBayer skyaerials789
CT, United States
Nice Product. Highly Recommended! A+++ Thanx!
eBayer fabu-le$$
PA, United States
This book is excellent !!!! Good Seller !!!! Guitar instruction that works !!
eBayer indiana9979
IN, United States
Great product...a should have product at any
Great product, speedy service, 21 Secrets (a should have product at
any level).
eBayer clovan66
BC, Canada
Another great music product! Excellent customer service! thanks!
eBayer easypowerseller
CA, United States
Great communication. A pleasure to do business with thanks
eBayer dracul213
PA, United States
Great Product
eBayer xxgear-junkiexx
MO, United States
Great product, easy, smooth transaction.
eBayer kingsofsheba
FL, United States

Learn the Secrets of the Greatest Musicians
The 21 Secrets to Learn any Guitar Song Super-Fast will show you the secret learning strategies used by the best musicians in the
world. You’ll also learn some new techniques that most pros don’t know.
• With the 21 Secrets to Learn any Guitar Song Super-Fast you’ll get never before seen information.
• You'll discover proven strategies to learn songs quickly and effectively.
“Do I Need to Use All 21 Secrets?”
Here’s the great thing about this course. You don’t have to apply all 21 Secrets to start to learn songs super-fast. You can use
just one or two of these secrets and you’ll start learning songs 50-80% faster. As you apply more and more of these secrets you’ll
learn songs faster and faster.
In other words, once you get your hands on these techniques you’ll keep beating your personal best and continue to learn more
and more songs in less and less time. Your friends will be amazed by how fast you can learn new songs.
“Do I Have to Be Able to Read Music to Use This Book?”
Reading music is not required.
All the examples are shown in tab and standard notation.
Works with songs in tab (tablature), or standard notation!
Everything You Need to Learn Songs Super-Fast
In the 21 Secrets to Learn any Guitar Song Super-Fast you’ll find lots of examples that show you exactly how to apply each
Secret. You’ll also get 11 songs for you to apply the techniques to.
Everything you need to know about learning songs is all in one place.
Step-by-step instructions.
For guitarists of all levels.
Pick the Songs You Want to Learn!
The 21 Secrets is designed to be flexible. You don’t have to learn the songs found in the course, you can substitute any songs you
want to learn. It's easy to do and fully explained in the course.
Exhaustive treatment of an important
musical subject. Well written. Thanks.
eBayer glaw2002
VA, United States
The book is great, my memory needs help ack! A+++ seller
eBayer mramfg
BC, Canada
Awesome seller thanks
eBayer opvfd7
OK, United States
Item as described
eBayer ridgemont82
NY, United States
Answers hundreds of your questions
Your ultimate resource for learning songs
Covers every detail of learning songs
Good tips and tricks for the struggling
guitar player! :) Thanks!
eBayer shake-down-the-thunder-from-the-sky
NY, United States
Don is a Great Guy and ready to help, There is a lot of info here,
Thanks! A++++
eBayer woody30
NY, United States
Good information!!
eBayer guitardogbanjo
NV, United States
I have played 21 yrs, Don's products are
the real deal!
eBayer jeepx03
IN, United States
Quick and easy download, super product, great deal of info
plenty to learn -thnx
eBayer roy*r*r
On, Canada
Simply click on the Add to Cart button to start learning guitar songs super-fast risk-free.
Awesome. Hats off to you.
I have finished reading your book "21 Secrets to Learn any Guitar
It's Awesome. Hats off to you.
Charudutta Peshkar
NJ, United States
The files are in PDF format, so you can view it on your computer screen, or print
off a hard copy for yourself. You can also read them on a smart phone like the
iPhone. The PDF files can also be read on tablets like the iPad.
© Copyright 2012 Don J. MacLean. All Rights Reserved.